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The Street Team:

The South Border Street Team or SBST is composed of volunteer fans and friends who help promote South Border all over the world...
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South Border:

Keyboardist & Vocalist:
Jay Durias
Ric Junasa & Rancis De Leon
Bass guitarist:
Marlowe Mata
Lead guitarist & Vocalist:
Mackie Ricafort
Kell Gatdula
Benjie Mendez

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Jay Durias: Songs I Grew Up With

For those of you who don't know yet, our musical director/vocalist Jay Durias recently released his first solo album titled, "SONGS I GREW UP WITH". This album is composed of songs that influenced Jay growing up back in the Philippines. The album will give you a chance to hear Jay in a totally different light from SOUTH BORDER.

You can purchase his album at or you can go to Karaoke Store at 18300 Gridley St. in the Artesia/Cerritos, California area.

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Hello everyone,

I guess a lot of you guys know by now about what happened.. yes it's really sad coz i am truly going to miss them a lot... no offense but believe me, this is far more painful than the previous breakups we had with brix and luke. Letting go of a loved one is hard enough but saying goodbye to two of my most beloved people in the band and in the industry is even much harder to accept.. but like we always say, "Life comes with a lot of surprises".

As a musician, it's my honor and pleasure to have shared music with Vince and Duncan and I thank them for all the sacrifices and efforts they made just to bring SouthBorder to higher grounds...

As a friend, i thank them for all the fun and the true friendship we had and we still have... I will still be around to support them in whatever path they may take in this musical journey.. and that's a promise!!! GOODLUCK & GODSPEED MY GOOD BROTHERS!!!

5 years with Vince and Duncan is no joke... we had our shares of the best and the worst... our moments of victory and defeat...

The UPs & DOWNs of our lives will always be a memory worth remembering.

We are thankful to GOD, our families and fans who became friends...
We have learned to embrace and accept things and ready to move on..
I have commited myself to SouthBorder a long time ago... and that commitment did not vanish..

We will continue what we've started and promise to share you the music we have in our hearts as much as we can... and for as long time permits us..

Peace, Love & Music
Jay Durias

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Message from Duncan and Vince

"We would like to thank South Border for giving us such a great opportunity to work with them. It gave us the chance to hone ourselves and become better musicians. However, we have arrived at a crossroad where we feel our creative ideas should now take a different route.

Thank you to all our fans who loved our music and us as well. The past five years of our lives have been very challenging. We've learned a lot and definitely, we'll bring those along our journey to the next chapters of our lives."

Duncan and Vince

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Then there were five.

This year, South Border celebrated its 14th year anniversary and we are thankful that we have reached this milestone in our lives. We wish to extend our utmost gratitude to those who have been by our side from the day we released our very first album in 1996, to those who have watched our concerts when Luke took over Brix’s post as our lead vocalist and to all of our fans and friends who have supported and still continue to support us as we strive to create high quality music to be appreciated by the whole world.

Everything does happen for a reason --- this is what we always say --- and with this, we announce the departure of Duncan Ramos and Vince Alaras as South Border’s front liners.

Contrary to what critics and rumor mongering individuals would want to expect, the separation was certainly not an ugly one. Simply put – our creative minds have already ceased to merge as one.

People grow and learn a lot of new things and at this point, Duncan and Vince have decided to move on and pursue their careers to greater lengths. We, on the other hand, have decided to take our creative energies to a direction different from Duncan and Vince’s. We do, however, thank them for their contributions and we hope that one of these days, we can still play basketball with them or simply chill out and talk about a song we heard on the radio.

As for the rest of the band, we are looking forward to new and exciting things ahead. We are currently finishing our album, which is due for release this year or early next year, and we have concerts and activities slated for the next few weeks. Things are still at full speed ahead! Please feel free to check on further updates on the band via or

Thank you for the continued love and support.

Jay, Paul, Butch, Ric and Tata

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