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The Street Team:

The South Border Street Team or SBST is composed of volunteer fans and friends who help promote South Border all over the world...
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South Border:

Keyboardist & Vocalist:
Jay Durias
Ric Junasa & Rancis De Leon
Bass guitarist:
Marlowe Mata
Lead guitarist & Vocalist:
Mackie Ricafort
Kell Gatdula
Benjie Mendez

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Jay Durias: Songs I Grew Up With

For those of you who don't know yet, our musical director/vocalist Jay Durias recently released his first solo album titled, "SONGS I GREW UP WITH". This album is composed of songs that influenced Jay growing up back in the Philippines. The album will give you a chance to hear Jay in a totally different light from SOUTH BORDER.

You can purchase his album at or you can go to Karaoke Store at 18300 Gridley St. in the Artesia/Cerritos, California area.

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South Border at 7 in the morning.

originally posted on October 04, 2006 (@ my personal blog) was launched last Sept. 30; saturday and South Border performed as the headliner. Friday night, knowing that A. and her boyfriend will be having a whole-day-long date, as in they'll be meeting up around 8 in the morning 'till "let's get comfy in bed" in the evening, I asked A. to give me a ring at 7:15-7:30 a.m. just to make sure that I'm awake and won't miss South Border's performance (10 pm in LA- 7 am in Milan). Damn! She was so excited (I don't even know if that's the right word) that she felt she had to wake me at 6:30 in the morning to make sure I won't miss a thing! Gggrrr... like when exactly are shows on time? or earlier? As you can see, I asked her to ring me at 7:15-7:30 am because I was SURE that they won't be performing at the time given. They got on stage around 7:30 am (10:30 LA time).

No, as obvious as it is, I did not fly to LA that morning just to watch their show at BBKINGS, I watched it thru BBKINGSLIVE.COM (via live streaming) and the show was WORTH the 6:30 am wake up call and the 1 hour of waiting (and the early breakfast and the early news on tv and the 2-3 cups more of my daily coffee intake). Really, the show was great! Of course, watching the show on my laptop and watching the show at BB KINGS are two different things but since no one offered a bed (and food) and a plane ticket, I didn't really have a choice, did I?

The boys were amazing! And the performance was extraordinary! Just like what... what's his name again? I can't remember.. but I think he was the owner.. (I said, I think, let's just call him MR. BBKINGSLIVE, hehehe.) anyway, just like him and everyone else, I was also blown away!!! (and just like Duncan, I also thank them for being there, hehehe! and especially for sharing their music with the rest of us..)

I was on the phone with A. when South Border got on stage but first "Mr. BBkingslive" did his "speech" uhm, i meant introduction of South Border, A. was curious on what this guy was saying that I had to use my "translating powers" (which by the way, is absolutely weak and rusty).
  • A: *utters something I did not understand*
  • Din: eh? (I thought she missed something because I was talking.. erm, rather mocking Mr. BBkingslive pretty fast, I did not want to miss anything of what he was saying)
  • A: I said "WOW".
  • Din: huh? why?
  • A: You said, the owner came up with the idea of launching the site (BBKINGSLIVE.COM, the live streaming thing) because of SB (South Border)!
  • Din: I did? (I guess I was too busy trying to remember italian words that I did not pay much attention to what I was actually translating! hehehe.)
  • A: Yeah. (I think she was a little pissed, thinking I was, as always, distracted.... hehehe. because after this she told me that she'll just call me later that night so I can concentrate on SB's show.)
So, yeah, she did call and asked me how it felt? (at syempre ako pa.. hindi ko na naman gets ang tanong.. hahaha!) Yon pala, she wanted to know how it feels knowing that SB are Filipinos and that they're doing a great job on keeping that Filipino pride high, sagot ko syempre, "I'm proud of them, I feel blessed for having SB as one of the many "representative" of filipino talents, and as always, I am proud being a filipino- no matter what". We started doing the usual chit-chat sessions and ended the call with;
  • A: "I wish I could watch them perform live someday, and that I won't need you translating every single word of their songs to italian.. yeah, someday... hehehe".
  • Din: "I wish you had your own SB representing your country around the world!"
  • A: Awww.. thanks, sweetie... Good night.
  • Din: Night, sweetest dream to you two.. Don't tire yourselves too much. hahaha!
So, yeah.. Night-night and sweetest dream to everyone... and don't tire yourselves too much... ;)
(maka-intindi yung gustong maka-intindi.. hehehe!)

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