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The Street Team:

The South Border Street Team or SBST is composed of volunteer fans and friends who help promote South Border all over the world...
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South Border:

Keyboardist & Vocalist:
Jay Durias
Ric Junasa & Rancis De Leon
Bass guitarist:
Marlowe Mata
Lead guitarist & Vocalist:
Mackie Ricafort
Kell Gatdula
Benjie Mendez

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Jay Durias: Songs I Grew Up With

For those of you who don't know yet, our musical director/vocalist Jay Durias recently released his first solo album titled, "SONGS I GREW UP WITH". This album is composed of songs that influenced Jay growing up back in the Philippines. The album will give you a chance to hear Jay in a totally different light from SOUTH BORDER.

You can purchase his album at or you can go to Karaoke Store at 18300 Gridley St. in the Artesia/Cerritos, California area.

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Things to be thankful for at Thanksgiving.

Well, today is Nov. 23, Thanksgiving day. I know, I know, its a U.S. (Canadian- Oct. 09) tradition but hey.. Who cares? Di ba? Walang pake-alaman. hehehe.

So, It's Thanksgiving.. and what are we (erm.. rather am I) thankful for?
Of course I won't bore you with non SB related post ;-) I already have my personal blog for that.

I'm thankful for South Border & to South Border (and everyone behind and beside SB - "the band").
I'm thankful for their music and to them for sharing it with the rest of us.

I haven't had the chance to meet them yet... So, even if I'm affected with feeling\too\close\too\soon syndrome, I won't pretend that I'm close to them because I am not.

But I heard (rather read) a lot of good things about them not as a band but as (human beings, hehehe!) Jay, Duncan, Vince, Ric, Tata, Butch & Paul. Through their songs they've touched millions, if not billions of lives. They share what they have and what they can. They use their talents to help others. Every now and then, I'll visit South Border Message Board and read through posts and see that SB don't act like most snobbish superstars do.. They treat their fans more like their friends and their just like one big happy family...

Now, tell me.. How can you be not thankful for South Border?

I am thankful for the opportunity to be one of the SBST leaders.. and for everyone I met (and will meet) thru SB-related stuffs. ;-)

A BIG...
  • Thank you, South Border & everyone behind & beside SB - "the band";
    Ms. Lucy, Ms. Sharon, Mr. Rodrigo, the PA's, the Technicians and everyone else (I'm not really familiar with who do what, so please bear with me).
  • Thank you to all the Street Team Members and Fans (like yours truly. hahaha!) especially to those who don't only support SB but actually do something like spreading The Phenomenon named South Border.
  • Thank you to those who believe and give SB the chance to prove themselves and show everyone that they are WORTH it.
There's probably still a thousand people to thank and be thankful for.. so to everyone...

Lastly, Thank you to and for Blogger. hehehe.

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! ^_^

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Comments for Things to be thankful for at Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving, Din-din-din-ding!

Gawin ba akong parang door bell?!?

Happy Thanksgiving to you! =)
Wala naman nyan dito eh.. hehehe..
Baka next year dyan ako mag-xmas!
ampunin mo ako ah!? hehehe!

BOO! go back to the pessimst addiction!!!! go blog there!! huhuhu!

you're spending xmas in the US???

Goodness! Jas, I said NEXT year... hindi kaya ng budget this year! hahaha..

Ang drama mo talaga! I emailed you na.. and go back to my other blog.. 'wag ka dito mag-drama! hahaha!

Miss you na bruha! muah!

Do I know you? =)

LUCA - Depends on who you are... :-)


Beh, sono Luca. =)

Eh sì, grazie.. anch'io ci sono arrivata ke ti kiami luca.. ma la domanda era.. luca chi? :-p

bwahaha! may makulet na bata! hahaha!
sige lang magulit ka pah.. hahahah!

Luca *tut*.

Ma quanti Luca conosci?
Beh, sono uno di loro.

Buon Ritorno a scuola! =)

ANONYMOUS - haha.. baliw! hehehe..

LUCA - ma ke palle ke 6!! :-P
conosco solo un Luca.. e non penso ke sia tu.. allora? :-p

sicura ke non sono io quel Luca? ;-p

Sì... sono sicura perke lui è lo zio della classe.. anke perke ho appena parlato con lui..

mah! se non vuoi farti conoscere.. sei libero di farlo.. infatti puoi anke fare dei commenti con "Anonymous" cmq, basta con questa storia... non rompere qui.. =p
